Lego City Adventures Wiki

Harl Hubbs upgrading Roastie
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"3, 2, 1" is the sixteenth episode of the first season and the sixteenth overall of LEGO City Adventures.


It's the day of the big rocket launch and the entire city has launch fever, but not everyone is excited for the right reason; with the launch in jeopardy, the astronaut race against time to ensure a timely liftoff and the survival of the crew.





Season 1
Cubs and Robbers (48) Billy The Bug (40) Sky Police (14) Father's Day Parade (34)
Cubs and Robbers Billy the Bug Sky Police Father's Day Parade
Race to the Top (23) Meet Harl Hubbs (11) Doorman in the City (52) Fendrich in the Wild (56)
Race to the Top Meet Harl Hubbs Doorman of the City Fendrich in the Wild
Poppy Starr (2) The Spooky One (4) Small Carol (33) Last Man Floating (16)
Poppy Starr The Spooky One Small Carol Last Man Floating
Evil Layers (46) Buster (7) Shirley Keeper (43) 3, 2, 1 (35)
Evil Layers Buster Shirley Keeper 3, 2, 1
Police Navidad (28) Paradoors (49) Slam the Door (47) Jailbreak (5)
Police Navidad Paradoors Slam the Door JAILBREAK!
Season 2
Buster Moves (38) To Cop or Not To Cop (43) Handle with Car (74) The Silver Blur (32)
Buster Moves To Cop or Not to Cop Handle with Car The Silver Blur
Harl Hubbs Day Ann They're Off Big Success of Bob and Clemmons (43) Watch Out for Sweets (47)
Harl Hubbs Day Ann They're Off Bob and Clemmons' Excellent Adventure The Man With No Name With a Name
Daisy and Friends (43) Backdraft to School (41) Running Mates (14) Dirty Duke (34)
Daisy Chain Gang Backdraft to School Running Mates Dirty Duke
For Wheeler (68) Brickmuda Heptagon (41) The Quacken (35) The Treasure of Nosepatch (43)
For Wheeler Brickmuda Heptagon The Quacken The Treasure of Nosepatch
Midden Fleasure (40) Tread or Alive (53) Arrest ye Merry Gentleman (44) Ride Along Kid (51)
Midden Fleasure Tread or Alive Arrest ye Merry Gentleman Ride Along Kid
Season 3
Thank Hank (6) Are The Kids Watching (29) Shirley P.I. (26) Please and Fang You (28)
Thank Hank Are The Kids Watching? Shirley P.I. Please and Fang You
Class Act (15) We're No.1 (5) Wylde Wex (25) Business is Booming (29)
Class Act We're #1 Wylde Wex Business is Booming
Makeover and Over (19) Lights!, Camera!, Grizzled! (7) Duke Time (26) Harpy Stubbs (48)
Makeover and Over Lights!, Camera!, Grizzled! Duke Time Harpy Stubbs
Quantifying Intrepidness (58) Green Light (33) My Cool Aunt Freya (35) The Cow Jumped Over The Spoon (9)
Quantifying Intrepidness Green Light My Cool Aunt Freya The Cow Jumped Over The Spoon
Stunt City (32) Of Dads and Dudes (42) Fool on Fleck (37) Ramping Up (27)
Stunt City Of Dads and Dudes Fool on Fleck Ramping Up
Give 'Em A Hand (53) Natural Habitat (48)
Give 'Em A Hand Natural Habitat
Season 4
The Brawl in City Hall (42) Who is Ludmilla Ersatz (47) Crisis on Moonbase Momentous! (23) Wreckless Driving (43)
The Brawl in City Hall Who is Ludmilla Ersatz? Crisis on Moonbase: Momentous! Wreckless Driving
A House Divided (44) The Trojan Slooshie (67) Born to Direct (51) The Wexler Deflector Conjecture (23)
A House Divided The Trojan Slooshie Born to Direct The Wexler Deflector Conjecture
Billy to the Max (65) The Good, the Bad… and the Turtles (14) Day of the Dread (6) Mr. Produce Buys the Farm (20)
Billy to the Maxx The Good, the Bad… and the Turtles Day of the Dread Mr. Produce Buys the Farm
This Land is Harl’s Land (19) Shirley Overdrive (72) Yes, No, Maybe So (98) Grizzled and Grizzled-er (9)
This Land is Harl's Land Shirley Overdrive Yes, No, Maybe So Grizzled and Grizzled-er
Freya, Basically (63) Where in the World is Sheep Wheeler (14) King Fendrich I (14) King Fendrich II (49)
Freya, Basically Where in the World is Sheep Wheeler? King Fendrich I King Fendrich II
A Day in the Life of Produce (8) The Fast and the Fibrous (24) Stunt Search (21)
A Day in the Life of Produce The Fast and the Fibrous Stunt Search
Stealing Spotlight's Spotlight (7) Stunting with the Startz (30)
Stealing Spotlight's Spotlight Stunting with the Startz