"Why, it is true I have pirate blood in my veins, it is my hope to rebrand the pirates' image with good manners, excellent posture and impeccable skin care." |
— Captain Facepatch |
Captain Facepatch is a modern day pirate and the captain of the Guardian of the Oceans Deep-Sea Vessel. He is a descendant of the infamous Captain Nosepatch and hopes to rebrand the image of pirates despite it.
Captain Facepatch is a rather expressive, calm and collected individual; expressive even with a patch covering most of his face that he can barely see anything. He does get rather emotional when asked about why he wears that patch, but besides that, he is friendly to everyone he sees and meets. He made a promise to be a good pirate, and rightfully kept that promise. Bringing his expressiveness and joy into modern pirates’ days of work, even if it means leaving cannons out in the open for most of his crew to just blast themselves out of, or having other activities like cutlass-juggling and Dodge The Barrel to take just a little bit of risk to have fun.
Season 2[]
- Brickmuda Heptagon(debut)
- The Quacken
- The Treasure of Nosepatch
- Arrest ye Merry Gentleman(non-speaking)
- He speaks with a British accent and mostly slang.
- He owns multiple cutlasses, at least 25.