"Oh Cubby, if there was ever a time I needed you, it's now. Something large and terrible is destroying the city!" |
— Duke DeTain to Cubby balloon |
"Cubs and Robbers" is the first episode of the first season and the first overall of LEGO City Adventures.
A movie promotion stunt goes wrong, unleashing a humongous Cubby the Cop balloon on the city.
The episode starts with a night sky, panning to the city down below. A young Duke DeTain sneaks by the back wall of the hallway. Imagining his Dad is a robber, Duke and Cubby investigate further. His mother comes in and Duke says that his dad's got an accomplice. Cubby calls it "an inside inside job". Duke's parents realize that it seems awfully peaceful. Dad says, "When was the last time you saw--"... "Freeze crooks! Police!" "DUKE!!" His mom and dad notice Duke, who jumps over them with a go-kart. This cuts to the present day where he jumps a construction site with his police car. The workers stare at Duke's car as he flies by. Duke is seen in the car drinking a beverage, passing by the garbage truck, which causes a piece of trash to fly into the garbage can, angering Shirley Keeper. Duke eventually arrives at the bank, telling dispatch that he sees nothing out of the ordinary. KABOOM! An explosion occurs just immediately. "For a GIANT BANK ROBBERY!" Two crooks escape with money, but Duke arrives. "Oh, no! It's Duke DeTain!" Duke switches gears, making donuts with his car. This traps the robbers, and kids also cheer for Duke. He continues making donuts until his tires are just plain rims. Then he jumps out of the car and handcuffs the crooks. The bank manager thanks Duke for arresting the crooks, and Duke tells the kids, "The easiest way is rarely the best way!" The children cheer, except one says, "Kind of a non-sequitur." Throwing the crooks into the back seat, Duke jumps back into the car. Because they knew about his bad driving, the crooks try to ask Duke if they can walk home. However, Duke doesn't listen and instead, he races off to the station. Sparks from the metal rims cause the money bags to catch fire, but the kids and the bank manager don't notice. On his way to the police station, Duke notices a car transporter's ramp down ready to transport cars. "Time for a shortcut!" He drifts right, heading directly for the transporter's ramp. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" The crooks freak out as Duke makes barrel rolls in the air. Two cops notice and run away. Duke's car eventually stops barrel rolling, doing a perfect parking. He jumps out of the car, not noticing the two cops and crooks having anxiety attacks. Duke does make it in on time, but Tom Bennett criticizes him. "But can't you enter a room like a normal person?" Duke makes an excuse that there wasn't time for a shoulder roll. Tom continued, "While admittedly effective, your policing methods cost the city a lot of money. For instance the flamingo and tuba incident last week added up to--" Chief Wheeler cuts him off with, "Awesomeness! thanks to Duke sick heroics, our city will never suffer through a flamingo and tuba shortage again. You're serious Ripper Duke." Bennett finally gets a chance to say the morning announcements. He explained that every police cruiser has a grappling hook. "Rad!" "A harpoon gun." "Cool!" "And, a medieval knight's lance." "Gnarly!" Wheeler winks in front of Bennett taking a picture which he posts on his social media page. Bennett continues the announcements. "Next, did everybody sign the get well card for Officer Garner? And speaking of poor Garner, I need to assign a new partner for Duke. Any volunteers?" Every officer freezes. Outside, Duke's car clangs and the rims fall off. Other bits of the car are damaged too. Because they knew about Duke's bad driving, the officers turn back, a few reading newspapers, and even whistling a song. Suddenly the alarm goes off and everyone panicked because of a huge emergency in the city. Duke then responded to the scene and turns out a giant Cubby the Cop balloon is the source of the chaos. He tried to find a way to stop this until he drove onto the train tracks and eventually using his harpoon and also the giant boomerang but it fails. The balloon then tied itself atop a building. Tom asked Wheeler where is Lieutenant Detain and Duke drove up the building in order to stop the balloon. He tried to pop it but he thinks it's not a good idea so he untied the balloon and let it fly away. The episode ends with Nate singing The Loud Song.
Cast & Characters[]
- Joe Zieja as Duke DeTain
- Max Mitchell as Young Duke DeTain
- Roger Craig Smith as Cubby, Nate and Solomon Fleck
- Unknown as Duke DeTain's father
- Unknown as Duke DeTain's mother
- Phil LaMarr as Tom Bennett
- Mick Lauer as Percival Wheeler
- Misty Lee as Freya McCloud
- Gavin Hammon as Bob
- Grey Griffin as Poppy Starr
- James Arnold Taylor as Tippy Dorman
- The title of the episode is a play on the game "Cops and Robbers".