Lego City Adventures Wiki

"Dirty Duke" is the twelfth episode of the second season and the thirty-second overall of LEGO City Adventures. It first aired on July 26, 2020.


When Duke loses his memory, Snake Rattler tricks him into believing he's his criminal henchman.


While on a chase with Snake Rattler, he crashes into Shifty's Pawnshop. Duke walks in, Shifty asks if he changed his mind about the ukulele, Duke asks where is Snake Rattler and added that he was on the fence about the ukulele. Shifty responded that he doesn't know as a lie and added that he can go down to 15 bucks, Duke sees Snake behind the counter and tells him to come out, he has never seen Shifty look so nervous but he asked if he would accept 10 bucks. Snake throws his Vita Rush soda to the shelf with bowls causing it to fall on Duke DeTain's head leaving him unconscious. Snake sees the rest of the cops outside giving him an idea of showing a can-do attitude, once he hears Duke getting up he gave him a Vita Rush coda, Duke quickly grabbed and drank it. He thanked Snake but called him "Mister", which gave him confusion although he said "You're welcome." Duke asks where and who is he, Snake replies saying that because of the bowls he lost his memory. Duke asks if he knows who he is, Snake said yes and told him he was Dirty Duke, his low-down thief and henchman. Duke wanted to know why he was dressed like a cop, Snake said he used to be a cop but he had gone bad, Duke says he doesn't feel bad but Snake yells at him saying he is the worst. Snake takes the money saying he stole it from the Bank, Duke sees it's only $15 so he implied that he wasn't very good. A female police officer shouts that they should come out, Snake tells Duke that he needs to do as he says or both of them will wind up in Jail. Once they left The Pawnshop, Snake says he caught him. The female officer says Duke's the best, Snake Rattler agrees and tells everyone that he's gonna commander the van and take him to Jail. Duke said yes and confidently responded that he is a great "commanderer-er". Dirty Duke drives the van near The Pawnshop door and starts stealing, the female police officer asked what he was doing, and Snake answered that he is gathering evidence against him and he's helping him. After putting all the things they wanted to steal in the van, Snake said that the officers need to cuff themselves to their cars, Dirty Duke says it was a standard procedure, everyone did it giving them a chance to escape. The female officer realised that "commanderer-er" isn't a word.

The officers see Duke and Snake carrying a gold ancient sarcophagus, Wheeler said that Duke has gone bad, Rooky protested she doesn't believe it. Dirty Duke goes to the security camera and says that he has gone bad, Rooky thinks it's a part of a plan, Dirty Duke says it's not and implied he is a criminal and rejoices. Tom ordered Rooky and Grizzled to arrest him due to how difficult this is.

Later Rooky said she felt something wrong. A charming, heroic, and a great cop like Duke turn into a criminal. Sam says that cops are like the cottage cheese he's eating, because sometimes they go bad, Rooky asks if he knows that it needs to be refrigerated and Sam shakes in disgust.

Daisy is at the Bank planning to rob the ATM, Dirty Duke surprises her. Daisy told him she was just using the ATM and made button noises, Dirty Duke says it was good since his boss told him to rob it. Snake walks in and Daisy asks what happened to Duke, Snake replies saying he lost his memory and so he tricked him into being his henchman, Daisy scolds him and Snake asked why was she so protective. Dirty Duke shoulder-rolls out of the Bank and told Snake he got twice as much cash than what he thought they could rob, Dirty Duke puts the money on their motorcycles and drives. The chase was on.

Rooky and Grizzled were fast but not enough to catch them, Duke went the other way which made them follow him. Some vehicles crashed luckily there was a ramp for Duke to drive on, not lucky for Rooky and Grizzled though. Snake drove his motorcycle on the road where Dirty Duke was in and they drove faster, escaping.

At Snake's place, both of them were bathing in a tub full of money. Gabby ToCamera started informing news; about the double-cross ruby. Dirty Duke had an idea of stealing the ruby, Snake told him that there are cops possibly guarding and they need to be discreet. Dirty Duke said he's gonna steal it on his own, Snake talked him into working together. Daisy walks in, Snake asks how she got in, then Daisy said she was a highly skilled criminal and the door was left open. Daisy wanted Snake to stop messing with Duke, but he doesn't listen.

Back at the Police Department, Rooky is questioning how Duke acts like he doesn't know her while Grizzled is just eating un-refrigerated yogurt. Someone calls Rooky saying they have information on Duke and said to meet at the alley, Rooky was amazed to see if it was their real voice but the person who called said it was a disguise. The person who called's mother started yelling at her to finish her chores which introduced the unknown caller, Daisy Kaboom Lewis. She said that she'll be there in a second, Rooky saw that she lives across the street from the police station, Daisy said it was very convenient when she's arrested. She explained what Snake did to Duke and Rooky got upset, now she needs something to bring Duke DeTain back, luckily Daisy had something in mind.

The cops were surprised to hear what Snake did, but Tom had the idea to arrest him. Rooky tried her best to tell them not to, but they already left.

Near the bank Dirty Duke and Snake were hiding from the cops, Dirty Duke said they needed a distraction, Snake had an idea of a runaway stagecoach. Dirty Duke had other plans, a drone. It was not as cool but sure to work at Snake's view. Now all the cops are distracted they entered the bank freely.

After opening the vault Dirty Duke wanted to say something to Snake before they steal the ruby, He said he was the best and he had fun being his henchman. Snake was shaken but felt comfort, Dirty Duke quickly grabbed the ruby and shoulder-rolled out of the vault and shut it. Snake was upset that he betrayed him.

All the cops were still distracted except for Rooky. Dirty Duke said he doesn't need Snake anymore and left, Dirty Duke sees Rooky and told her to back off. Rooky tried to bring his real self back by showing Cubby. Dirty Duke said it's useless and proceeds to leave the bank but he felt like his feet won't let him do crime, he takes off his glasses and is happy to see Cubby. Duke DeTain is back, Snake managed to escape the vault. Duke is gonna stop him.

Duke put Cubby onto his motorcycle and drives. He was beside Snake, he said he wasn't as scary as Dirty Duke and he drives faster. There was a ramp on the truck so Duke drove over it making him land in front of Snake, causing him to crash. Duke cuffed his hands and Rooky stopped driving after reaching where they are. She asked if Duke was okay, he said he is now thanks to her. Rooky thought he would do the same but he quickly said no and would've arrested her. Duke sees Snake upset, he said that The Jail was serving his favorite, baked beans. Snake made up a joke about his amnesia but Duke didn't laugh and shook his head.

Cast & Characters[]







  • Cubby
  • Double-cross Ruby
  • Snake's Codebook



Season 1
Cubs and Robbers (48) Billy The Bug (40) Sky Police (14) Father's Day Parade (34)
Cubs and Robbers Billy the Bug Sky Police Father's Day Parade
Race to the Top (23) Meet Harl Hubbs (11) Doorman in the City (52) Fendrich in the Wild (56)
Race to the Top Meet Harl Hubbs Doorman of the City Fendrich in the Wild
Poppy Starr (2) The Spooky One (4) Small Carol (33) Last Man Floating (16)
Poppy Starr The Spooky One Small Carol Last Man Floating
Evil Layers (46) Buster (7) Shirley Keeper (43) 3, 2, 1 (35)
Evil Layers Buster Shirley Keeper 3, 2, 1
Police Navidad (28) Paradoors (49) Slam the Door (47) Jailbreak (5)
Police Navidad Paradoors Slam the Door JAILBREAK!
Season 2
Buster Moves (38) To Cop or Not To Cop (43) Handle with Car (74) The Silver Blur (32)
Buster Moves To Cop or Not to Cop Handle with Car The Silver Blur
Harl Hubbs Day Ann They're Off Big Success of Bob and Clemmons (43) Watch Out for Sweets (47)
Harl Hubbs Day Ann They're Off Bob and Clemmons' Excellent Adventure The Man With No Name With a Name
Daisy and Friends (43) Backdraft to School (41) Running Mates (14) Dirty Duke (34)
Daisy Chain Gang Backdraft to School Running Mates Dirty Duke
For Wheeler (68) Brickmuda Heptagon (41) The Quacken (35) The Treasure of Nosepatch (43)
For Wheeler Brickmuda Heptagon The Quacken The Treasure of Nosepatch
Midden Fleasure (40) Tread or Alive (53) Arrest ye Merry Gentleman (44) Ride Along Kid (51)
Midden Fleasure Tread or Alive Arrest ye Merry Gentleman Ride Along Kid
Season 3
Thank Hank (6) Are The Kids Watching (29) Shirley P.I. (26) Please and Fang You (28)
Thank Hank Are The Kids Watching? Shirley P.I. Please and Fang You
Class Act (15) We're No.1 (5) Wylde Wex (25) Business is Booming (29)
Class Act We're #1 Wylde Wex Business is Booming
Makeover and Over (19) Lights!, Camera!, Grizzled! (7) Duke Time (26) Harpy Stubbs (48)
Makeover and Over Lights!, Camera!, Grizzled! Duke Time Harpy Stubbs
Quantifying Intrepidness (58) Green Light (33) My Cool Aunt Freya (35) The Cow Jumped Over The Spoon (9)
Quantifying Intrepidness Green Light My Cool Aunt Freya The Cow Jumped Over The Spoon
Stunt City (32) Of Dads and Dudes (42) Fool on Fleck (37) Ramping Up (27)
Stunt City Of Dads and Dudes Fool on Fleck Ramping Up
Give 'Em A Hand (53) Natural Habitat (48)
Give 'Em A Hand Natural Habitat
Season 4
The Brawl in City Hall (42) Who is Ludmilla Ersatz (47) Crisis on Moonbase Momentous! (23) Wreckless Driving (43)
The Brawl in City Hall Who is Ludmilla Ersatz? Crisis on Moonbase: Momentous! Wreckless Driving
A House Divided (44) The Trojan Slooshie (67) Born to Direct (51) The Wexler Deflector Conjecture (23)
A House Divided The Trojan Slooshie Born to Direct The Wexler Deflector Conjecture
Billy to the Max (65) The Good, the Bad… and the Turtles (14) Day of the Dread (6) Mr. Produce Buys the Farm (20)
Billy to the Maxx The Good, the Bad… and the Turtles Day of the Dread Mr. Produce Buys the Farm
This Land is Harl’s Land (19) Shirley Overdrive (72) Yes, No, Maybe So (98) Grizzled and Grizzled-er (9)
This Land is Harl's Land Shirley Overdrive Yes, No, Maybe So Grizzled and Grizzled-er
Freya, Basically (63) Where in the World is Sheep Wheeler (14) King Fendrich I (14) King Fendrich II (49)
Freya, Basically Where in the World is Sheep Wheeler? King Fendrich I King Fendrich II
A Day in the Life of Produce (8) The Fast and the Fibrous (24) Stunt Search (21)
A Day in the Life of Produce The Fast and the Fibrous Stunt Search
Stealing Spotlight's Spotlight (7) Stunting with the Startz (30)
Stealing Spotlight's Spotlight Stunting with the Startz