This is a page where users can request sysop and bureaucrat administrator rights. Please read the following regulations and instructions completely before placing a request. Requirements for each position[]Bureaucrat (Mayor) - 1000 mainspace edits. Held admin position for 2 months. Administrator (Vice Mayor) - Held content moderator or discussions moderator for 2 months. 1000 edits including 500 mainspace edits and two months on the wiki. Content Moderator - Held rollback for 1 month. Must prove you are trusted with the rights. Rollback (Firefighter) - Must have 250 edits and be on the wiki for 1 month. Discussions Moderator - Held chat moderator for 1 month. Example[]
Usage[]{{RequestAdminCard |bg-color= |Username= |AKA= |Request= |Description= }} Requests[]Please place the requests under this line: |
Lego City Adventures Wiki:Requests for Adminship